Walt Whitman (1819 - 1892)

Walt Whitman (1819 - 1892)
(...) What do you see, Walt Whitman? Who are they you salute, and that one after another salute you? (...)

14 de dezembro de 2011

O circo da noite "The Night Circus" de Erin Morgenstern.

O circo da noite (The Night Circus), de Erin Morgenstern. 

O circo chega sem aviso...

Está simplesmente ali, quando ontem não estava. Dentro das tendas de lona às riscas pretas e brancas está um experiência absolutamente única, cheia de surpresas de cortar a respiração. Chama-se Le Cirque des Rêves, e só está aberto de noite. Mas nos bastidores, desenrola-se uma competição feroz – um duelo entre dois jovens mágicos, Celia e Marco, que foram treinados desde a infância pelos seus exigentes instrutores, expressamente para este propósito. 

Sem o saberem, este é um jogo no qual apenas um pode vencer, e o circo não é mais do que o palco de uma batalha notável de imaginação e determinação. Contudo, sem o conseguirem evitar, Celia e Marco mergulham de cabeça no amor – um amor profundo e mágico que faz as luzes iluminarem e a divisão aquecer quando apenas roçam as mãos. 

Amor verdadeiro ou não, o jogo tem de ser concluído e os destinos de todos os envolvidos, desde os extraordinários artistas do circo aos seus frequentadores, estão em jogo, suspensos de forma tão precária quanto os corajosos acrobatas lá no alto.

Sinopse (em Inglês):

In 1886 a mysterious travelling circus becomes an international sensation. Open only at night, constructed entirely in black and white, the Cirque des Rêves delights all who wander its circular paths and warm themselves at its bonfire. There are contortionists, performing cats, carousels and illusionists - all the trappings of an ordinary circus. But this is no conventional spectacle. Some tents contain clouds, some ice. 

The circus seems almost to cast a spell over its aficionados, who call themselves the rêveurs - the dreamers. And who is the sinister man in the grey suit who watches over it all? Behind the scenes a dangerous game is being played out by two young magicians, Celia and Marco, who, at the behest of their masters, are forced to test the very limits of the imagination - and of love.

A feast for the senses, a fin-de-siècle fantasia of magic and mischief, and the most original love story since The Time Traveller’s Wife, The Night Circus is an extraordinary blend of fantasy and reality. It will dazzle readers young and old with its virtuoso performance, and who knows, they might not want to leave the world it creates.


“The circus arrives without warning.

No announcements precede it, no paper notices on downtown posts and billboards, no mentions or advertisements in local newspapers. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not.
The towering tents are striped in white and black, no golds and crimsons to be seen. 
No colour at all, save for the neighbouring trees and the grass of the surrounding fields. Black-and-white stripes on grey sky; countless tents of varying shapes and sizes, with an elaborate wrought-iron fence encasing them in a colourless world. Even what little ground invisible from outside is black or white, painted or powdered, or treated with some other circus trick.

But it is not open for business. Not just yet.
Within hours everyone in town has heard about it. By afternoon the news has spread several towns over. Word of mouth is a more effective method of advertisement than typeset words and exclamation points on paper pamphlets or posters. It is impressive and unusual news, the sudden appearance of a mysterious circus. People marvel at the staggering height of the tallest tents. They stare at the clock that sits just inside the gates that no one can properly describe.

And the black sign painted in white letters that hangs upon the gates, the one that reads:

Opens at Nightfall

Closes at Dawn

What kind of circus is only open at night?” people ask. No one has a proper answer, yet as dusk approaches there is a substantial crowd of spectators gathering outside the gates.”

The Night Circus de Erin Morgenstern, um belo presente de Natal para quem gosta de ler!

Até breve,

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